Don’t Be Nosey You’re Not A Superhero

So in light of the current situation, you decided to share some knowledge with the purest  intentions. 

However some people might not easily welcome changes for various reasons. And some might even go to the extend of lobbying others not to change either and subsequently invalidate your opinion, sometimes publicly in the process. It happens. 

I’m not here to question anybody’s decisions. 
I’m here to validate yours.

You chose to help. People refused. Ridiculed you even. Of course it hurts.

But look at it this way.
Why do we do good deeds in the first place? 
To help others?
To change others?

Get your priority straight darling.
We don’t do it for others.
We do it for ourselves.
We do it because we believe in the existence of Allah.
We do it because we believe in the existence of Yaumul Akhirat (Day of Judgement).
These are all parts of the basics, two out of the six Pillars of Faith (Rukun Iman). 
So, ideally, we do all the good deeds in preparation for our akhirat.

And once you’ve done what you need to do for your akhirat, you’re good. You don’t need to explain. Your akhirat has nothing to do with anybody else for that matter. 

But of course you are just human.
And you did it all to please people instead.
To get people’s attention.
To hope for people’s gratitude and acknowledgement. 
And that is why you’re hurt.
Because people can only do so much.
They can’t even understand their own need let alone yours.

People will keep on thinking what they want to think. 
They will keep on doing what they want to do. 
You are not responsible for their deeds. 
You are not responsible for their enlightenment. 

Their realization on what is good for them is their rezeki. And that rezeki is only for Allah to give, not you. You don’t possess such power. You can’t. You’ll die in vain. 

The best you can do for them is du’a (pray). 
That is if you’re feeling generous anyway😉.

So let them be. Move on. 
They are none of your business. 

This is my version of
Kita penat sebab salah niat. 
Kita buat utk org lain memang la penat. 
Penat carik duit tolong laki. Tetau dia kawen lain.
Dah katanya ‘tolong laki’. Padan le muka.
Tolong la diri sendiri: 
1. Carik duit supaya dpt sedekah kat suami.
2. Urus rmhtangga sedekah tenaga.
Ni semua bukan wajib. Sbb tu nama dia ‘isteri tolong’.
Agak2 rasa penat, nak rehat taknak tolong, bila2 masa blh berenti tanpa rasa bersalah.
Ni sendiri carik pasal, nak tunjuk cinta kat suami, nak tunjuk rajin kat mertua,  nak tunjuk hebat kat ipar duai, pastu senditi tak larat,
Cuba kita buat utk diri sendiri. 
Pikir satu je.
Saat kita tergigil2 tgk timbangan amalan mana yg lbh berat. 
Time tu sekecik2 seremeh2 perbuatan baik kita nak ungkit.
Berani nak berenti buat baik?
Buat utk diri sendiri. 

Teringat ada org pernah merungut bila kerja tak dpt untung. 
Dia kata “Hmm buat kerja tak dpt apa, ‘lillahi taala’ (demi Allah Taala)” aje.”

Sayang. Kalau u buat ‘lillahi taala’ (demi Allah taala) , u tau akan dpt ganjaran dari Allah. Confirm u takkan mengeluh.

Now u buat kerja utk manusia, sapa blh jamin u akan dpt  untung dr org yg u tlg tu?
Dan bila memang tak dpt balasan, u merungut pulak. Dunia penat, akhirat nanti pahala pun takdpt. 
Buat apa diteruskan??
Kita ni kalau mmg niat nak dpt pujian, kalau org tak hargai, berhenti.
Kalau niat nak dpt balasan, pastikan org yg dibantu mampu balas setimpal.

Kalau dah tau tak ada jaminan manusia ni reti nak membalas budi, jgn berurusan dgn orang.
Berurusan dgn Allah.



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